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Sunday, January 27, 2019

FLUSH 24 detoxifies & flushes out toxins in body

Have you heard of an accelerated detoxification program?  How fast is it?

FLUSH 24 means, within twenty-four hours, you will flush out almost three (3) to seven (7) kilos...not pounds...but kilograms...of excess fats and toxic wastes found in your body.

FLUSH 24 is a proprietary herbal and nutrient formula designed to cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals, and other pollutants that my be present in the environment and are formed by natural metabolic process.

Klinika Kinetics has experienced how FLUSH 24 supports the body's natural ability to expel stones.

Packed in four (4) separate sachets, FLUSH 24 helps remove excess water and waste from individual cells.

It supports the removal of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body.

Mixed with an eight ounce glass of drinking water, the first powdered sachet of FLUSH 24 is usually taken at 6:00 o'clock in the evening of the first day, on an empty stomach, preferably having fasted from solid food for six hours.  

It should be followed with another sachet two hours thereafter (or at 8:00 p.m.), also on an empty stomach.  After this time, the patient may have to visit the comfort room when the flushing of toxins inside the body starts to work.

It is advised that the patient lay flat on bed without headrest or pillow at around 10 o'clock in the evening.

The third (3rd) sachet should be taken again at 6:00 a.m. (the morning of the following day), still on the an empty stomach.

And the last dose (4th sachet), should be taken at 12:00 noon, still on an empty stomach also.

The patient won't feel hungry because the contents of each sachet contains a mix of nutritious herbal food.  It is advised, however, that a very soft diet be given to the patient for dinner.

FLUSH 24 stimulates bile production and the breakdown of dietary fat.  And it promotes overall liver function.

While FLUSH 24 boosts the effectiveness of weight management programs, it also increases energy and stamina.

Most of all, FLUSH 24 facilitates our excellent immune function.


Papaya Fruit B.E.E. (bio-enhanced extraction process) - a source of papain, a protein-digesting enzyme that is an excellent aid to digestion.  Papaya is very soothing to the stomach, as well as the entire digestive tract.  It enhances the transit of nutrients to various parts of the body, and assists with expulsion of various toxins.

Pumpkin Seed B.E.E. - a super food long used in folk medicine.  Pumpkin Seed B.E.E. extract helps build and strengthen the entire immune system.

Lemon Fruit
Lemon Fruit B.E.E. - a powerful detoxifier and excellent diuretic helpful in times of stress, such as during the detoxification process.  Lemons have a tremendous ability to dissolve mucus and supports the removal of toxins from cellular tissue.  Lemon is also a wonderful stimulant to the liver and helps liquefy bile.

Flax Seeds
Flax Seed B.E.E. - this ancient grain has become a modern miracle food that helps maintain the inner lining of the intestines.

Apple Cider Vinegar Powder B.E.E. - raises the alkalinity of the extra cellular fluid that surrounds cells.  An alkaline is believed to be one of the major promoters of health.

Oat B.E.E. - supports gastro-intestinal system and contains nutritional factors that help prevent accumulation of micro-organisms and internal toxins.

Sweet potato
Sweet Potato B.E.E. - rich in nutrients that help prevent the formation of toxic substances.

Angelica B.E.E. - can help detoxify environmental toxins and abnormal metabolic waste products.

Spinach B.E.E. - supports Phase I liver detoxification and cell repair.

Wheat Germ
Wheat Germ B.E.E. - contains anti-oxidants and other factors that protect cells from various pollutants.

Shitake Mushroom

Shitake Mushroom B.E.E. - helps with toxic metal detoxification; increases glutathione levels for Phase II liver detoxification.

Carrot B.E.E. - contains nutritional factors necessary for mucus membraines and healthy cell replication.

Chick Pea B.E.E. - contains important nutritional factors for immunity and detoxification in the liver.

Methylsulfanylmethane (MSM) - enables cells and tissues to release toxins that have built up over the years.  A vital ingredient in our waste management system, MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing waste and toxins to properly flow out.

Stevia - a sweet tasting herb with remarkable health promoting qualities.  Stevia has many favorable health benefits and is completely non-toxic.


STEP 1:  On the day of the FLUSH, do not eat any food and try not to drink any liquids throughout the entire day.  If really thirsty, some purified warm water can be consumed in very small amounts.  Again, it is best not to eat any food or drink any liquid prior to commencing the intake of FLUSH 24.  Following the time schedule while doing the FLUSH 24 is very important.

STEP 2:  6:00 p.m.- Drink one (1) pouch or sachet of FLUSH 24 solution powder mixed in an 8-ounce glass of purified water.

STEP 3:  Exactly 2 hours after having the first drink, repeat by drinking another full pouch of FLUSH 24 mixed in 8-oz. of purified water.

STEP 4:  Within 30 minutes of having the second drink, go to bed.  Try to go to bed by 10:30 p.m. in order to insure that the body gets proper rest.  Just before going to bed, a small amount of warm water should be consumed (6-8 ounces).  When going to bed, it is very important to lie on the back and try to remain still.  Try to remain on the back and avoid tossing and turning throughout the night.


STEP 5:  6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m. - Repeat Step 2.


Exactly 2 hours after your first morning drink, repeat the process one more time.

Drink warm water for the rest of the day.  At the end of the day, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., eat a very light dinner, no fried food, meat, bread, alcohol or sweets.

Follow a vegetarian diet:  only fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Also, drink plenty of pure water.  It is best to stay on this diet for 72 hours.  Try to eat smaller portions of food and keep the total daily caloric intake to about 50% of normal for the entire 72-hour period.

Some people may experience fatigue during the FLUSH.  These symptoms usually diminish after a few hours to a day.

For this reason, it may be best to take time off from work to begin the cleansing or conduct the process over the course of a week-end.


P3,500.00 per box of 4 sachets.

Call or text 0997-430-6358 for pricing, delivery costs, and other product details.

ActivAll | Best Man | Blue Miracle | Cardipril | Diablin | Enermax | Femapos | Femasooth |
Fibromyol | Flexoprin | Flush 24 | Gastrol | Hepacol | Hypertril | Immunol | Kleer Head |
Manhood | Maturity | Melody | Mighty | Mine-C | Miracle Soil Conditioner | Mood | Opticare | 
Prostatol | Relaxall | Renacare | Respirol | ThinShape | Thyronol | UricAid | Urinol | Viracare
Eccellente Cellu-White Pearl Powder | Eccellente Cellu-White Hydrating Essence Serum | 
Honeymoon Herbal Suppository | Honeymoon Herbal Supplement (Capsule)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

CARDIPRIL Balances Cholesterol, Protects Heart Disease & Arteriosclerosis

CARDIPRIL is designed to balance cholesterol and cholesterol ester levels, and improve the rate of HDL and LDL.

It also uniquely reduces C-Reactive Protein (a sign of inflammation and a new important factor for assessing cardiovascular disease risk).

CARDIPRIL is a powerful anti-oxident and its anti-inflammatory activities contribute to the foregoing effectiveness.

Other functions include:

  • Reduces triglyceride levels
  • Improves the overall health of the cardiovascular system
  • Helps protect the delicate lining of the arteries 
  • Inhibits lipid peroxidation
  • Decreases the risk of arteriosclerosis and heart disease
  • Promotes convestion of cholesterol to bile in the liver
  • Decreases the absorption of cholesterol from food.

Chamomile Flower
Chamomile Flower B.E.E. - contains volatile oil, flavonoids, apigenin, luteolin and quercetin that account for both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activities.  It neutralizes free radicals and prevents them from damaging LDL cholesterol.  In addition, because of its anti-inflammatory activity, it also helps lower C-reactor levels.

Daisy Leaves
Daisy Leaves B.E.E. - Daisy was historically used as a "blood purifier."  Daisy leaves B.E.E. has anti-oxidant activities, it helps lower cholesterol and LDL levels, clears free radicals to protect endothelium (the delicate lining of the arteries) and polyunsaturated fatty acids from oxidation and inhibits lipid peroxidation, thereby decreasing the risk of arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

Almond Kernel
Almond Kernel B.E.E. - contains high percentage of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and helps lower blood total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL levels.

Botanical Resin - helps lower blood cholesterol and LDL levels and increases HDL levels by promoting the conversion of cholesterol to bile acid and decreasing the absorption of cholesterol from food.


one (1) vegicap twice daily

For best results, take CARDIPRIL with a full glass of water on an empty stomach, or 30 minutes before meal.  If under medication, allow a 2-4 hours interval in between prescription medicine and CARDIPRIL intake. 


P1,500.00 per box of 30 capsules


Please call or text 0997-430-6358 (TM) 
Website: Klinika Kinetics
Follow us on Facebook: Klinika Kinetics

ActivAll | Best Man | Blue Miracle | Cardipril | Diablin | Enermax | Femapos | Femasooth |
Fibromyol | Flexoprin | Flush 24 | Gastrol | Hepacol | Hypertril | Immunol | Kleer Head |

Manhood | Maturity | Melody | Mighty | Mine-C | Miracle Soil Conditioner | Mood | Opticare | 
Prostatol | Relaxall | Renacare | Respirol | ThinShape | Thyronol | UricAid | Urinol | Viracare | 
Eccellente Cellu-White Pearl Powder | Eccellente Cellu-White Hydrating Essence Serum | 
Honeymoon Herbal Suppository | Honeymoon Herbal Supplement (Capsule)

Monday, July 16, 2018

Best Remedy for Diabetes "The Silent Killer"

DIABLIN is a unique combination of botanical extracts and mineral complex.  It aids the body to respond better to the insulin that it naturally decreases the amount of sugar the liver makes and the intestines absorb.  

It helps with various diabetes complications and enhances glucose uptake and inhibit glycosylation (the abnormal attachment of sugar to protein).

DIABLIN may not reduce blood sugar levels in healthy, non-diabetic people.
  • Controls blood sugar levels
  • Improves the metabolism of glucose and enhances uptake
  • Reduces the daily insulin requirement of people with Type 1 diabetes
  • Protects the membranes of the lens of the eye
  • Improves diabetic nerve damage
  • Stimulates insulin production by the pancreas
  • May also help lower blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels (but does not lower HDL "good" cholesterol levels)


Fenugreek Seed
Fenugreek Seed B.E.E. - contains alkaloids (mainly triganeline), steroidal saponins, mucilaginous fiber and protein high in lysine, L-tryptophan and isoleucine.  It helps stimulate insulin and lower blood sugar levels in people with atherosclerosis and non-insulin-dependent diabetes (Type 2), while reducing the daily insulin requirement in people with Type 1 diabetes.  It also inhibits cholesterol absorption and synthesis.

Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng Root B.E.E. - mainly contains eleutherosidesis and some polysaccharides that help reduce blood sugar levels, increase general resistance to disease and relieve chronic fatigue and stress.  It also benefits the immune system.

Onion bulbs
Onion Bulb (Quercetin) B.E.E. - contains certain sulfure compounds, such as allylprophyl disulphide (APDS) and flavonoids, including quercetin that helps to block the breakdown of insulin by the liver, and possibly stimulate insulin production by the pancreas, thus increasing the amount of insulin and reducing sugar levels in the blood.  It also helps protect the membranes of the lens of the eye from accumulations of polyols as a result of high glucose levels.

Rice husks
Rice Husk B.E.E. - contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and fibers.  It helps reduce the absorption of sugar.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) - is a vitamin-like anti-oxidant that is capable of regenerating several other anti-oxidants back to their active states, including vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.  Alpha Lipoic Acid enhances glucos uptake in Type 2 diabetes, inhibits glycosylation and has been used to improve diabetic nerve damage.

  • Start with one (1) capsule twice daily, and either increase or decrease the dosage until your blood sugar is controlled.  Take DIABLIN with meals.

SRP =  P1,800.00 Php (freight cost not yet included)

Call or text 0997-430-6358 

ActivAll | BestMan | BlueMiracle | Cardipril | Diablin | Enermax | Femapos | Femasooth | Fibromyol | Flexoprin |
Flush 24 | Gastrol | Hepacol | Hypertril | Immunol | Kleer Head | Manhood | Maturity | Melody | Mighty | 
Mine-C | Miracle Soil Conditioner | Miracle Power Granules | Mood | Opticare Prostatol | Relaxall | Renacare 
Respirol | ThinShape | Thyronol | UricAid | Urinol | Viracare | Eccellente Cellu-White Pearl Powder | Eccellente Cellu-White Hydrating Essence Serum | Honeymoon Herbal Suppository | Honeymoon Herbal Supplement 

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